Sunday, February 1, 2009

Home Again!

Well, Children's Hospital is a wonderful place to work and as it turns out also a great place to visit when your little ones are sick!

Jackson came down with a cold, like most kids do this time of year but this one was different - rather than getting better he just seemed to keep getting worse to the point he was working way too hard to breathe. After a 3 hour doctors visit on Wednesday we went home to give him breathing treatments all through the night. Well, no one slept, Jackson was not a happy camper and we were back in the doctors office the next morning. They treated him, decided it wasn't working and thought he should be admitted - so off to the hospital we went.

Children's was able to suction an incredible amount of mucous out of his lungs and finally, after three days he turned the corner! He still has a cold and cough but nothing like it was...we are all very glad to be home and sleeping in our own beds! It's amazing two people can fit on that pull out thing in the hospital rooms but it can be done ;)

It's good to be home again.


Jenny said...

Aww, poor Jackson!! Hope he feels better soon!!

Brigette said...

I am so sorry Alicia, glad to hear baby Jackson is home and doing well. Can't wait to see you guys again. Soon!