Sunday, January 25, 2009

Couldn't Resist

So, here's a funny story......

As I am searching google images for a cute valentines picture for our Blogs header I type in sweethearts and I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants! For all of you that may not know each Birthday Uncle Travis gets the latest Jackass card (started because one year lots of us got him the same card without ever knowing, it's now a family joke!)

Well, here is google's version of sweetharts!!

But wait, there's more....
Happy Valentines Day Uncle Travis!! We love you sweethart!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Happy Birthday Becca!! We began the celebration with a great morning at the wild animal park, boy was it a hot one, 91 degrees! Becca loved the new playground and after some convincing decided she loved the carousel! What a nut....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New year!! Hope everyone is happy and healthy (we just finished with round 2 of the colds)

Along with the new year it was back to work I go, hi ho, hi ho......

It's hard to leave Jackson for 9 hours a day (it makes waking up with him in the middle of the night more of a treat now! Just don't tell him I said that!!) He is doing great in Daycare and loves his day with Grandma and Daddy.

Who could resist this face? He has kisses smiles and laughs for just about everyone! We love the tongue - it's always sticking out but I have yet to get a picture of it!
Last night was Becca's Birthday Party - Jackson was sporting the outfit Auntie Missie bought him for Easter. Yes, that's right folks - its still a good 3 months away. The party was a hit, Chuck E Cheese still has it going on. Hard to believe Becca is 2 already, 3 will be here before we are ready I guarantee it!